The Authority for Cycling in Sacramento CA Headline Animator

Friday, January 18, 2008

Sacramento Potential for Cycling greatness

Well it is that time of the year again. The riders who are only out to try and impress others will soon flood the cycling lanes. Then with the Tour of California and the Tour of American coming to town the political types with spout off their loud useless mouths about how much cycling means to them and how they are big advocates of healthy lifestyles and how cycling promotes that... YEP let's see about all that shall we.

Last year the powers that waste money, cause more global warming with their incessant yapping only so they see themselves on the T.V . had the chance to do some actually good for cyclists who commute, and who use the roads to train. The simple revision to motor vehicle code. With a statutory standard of three feet of clearance to protect cyclists. This bill was shot down by several groups the represent the worse types of drivers out their. Yes why actually enforce something so simplistic and reasonable that it would allow more people to ride safely on their bikes. I suspect it has to do with certain types of drivers who are too old to realistically be driving, and those who use their large trucks as compensation for their lack of a male sexual organ, or the lack of one that works with out drugs. I must say there are those in these groups who are not as described above, but they seem to have to deal with those who are. I have had many very smart drivers of large tractor trailers move over and give room. They realize they can suck a bike under their wheels with the trucks air flow alone. Then there are those car drivers who also move over to make sure they pass safely. This is called being a reasonable person. What would a person of reasonable intelligence do to make sure they do not cause a wreck. Now I must say there are cyclist out there who think they should be able to ride directly in the line of traffic. This may work for a big city with low speed but seriously we are not talking about that here.

The most amusing thing about politics is how much they speak and say nothing. I mean seriously two year olds make more sense then the elected. I often wonder just what would happen IF Legislators where required to live Downtown and commute by say bicycle to work. As a cost cutting measure to reduce the cost of renting all those SUVs and the like. Maybe say unless you pay for it yourself you have to commute by bike or Mass transit. The problem is that once elected these people feel like they should be treated like royalty. I do tend to agree and the French Revolution comes to mind, but then I realize that these people are just not that educated. If politicians had to hold real jobs I suspect we would have a spike in unemployment. Now I know there are exceptions here. I do know that most of these people live to be elected so they wont have to work for a living.

I will be amused to see the governor happily running his yap about cycling, however I have a couple of questions Mr. Kindergarten Cop.
Where is YOUR bicycle. When did you ride last?
I know bad play on the Governator's movie career, but seriously this guy COULD make a difference and actually promote cycling and the health benefits. It would dovetail nicely with his alleged desire to cut green house gases, and improve the air quality. SO why wont this guy stand up and actually look at ways to promote this type of commuting in the Crapital of this State. Simple it would require him to walk the talk and not just talk the walk.

So when will we see SOMEONE ask one of these people serious questions about cycling's benefits and why they wont support it as a perfect solution to commuting problems, and global warming. My friends that would be because to do so would require the reporter to actually think for themselves and not just try to look good on T.V. here to be able to land the network gig and get out of this smarmy little town.

Well back out to ride and enjoy the weather and trails. Before the posers get to heavy and the air too fouled by political bull crap. Ride on!!!!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Are some cyclist just too dumb to be alive?

This has to be the most infuriating thing for other cyclist and motorist there is. You are say driving you car either in day time or night and coming the wrong way at you is simple Fred riding a bike. Now simple Fred is merrily going along like they are totally safe happy and doing something correctly. Unfortunately here in California wrong way cycling has become more popular, not to mention it is illegal. Which brings me to a very good point. I see a lot of Mexicans doing this and they give you the stupid look when you let them know they are on the wrong side of the street.

The sad part is this gets worse as the evening approaches. Cyclists are treated as motorists here in this State, which means you are required by vehicle code to have a front and rear light. With that simple point of law these say people at night violate two sections of vehicle code at the same time. The good part is for a motorist IF one of these simple Fred wrong way cyclists hit you they are 100 percent at fault. The bad part is trying to explain that to law enforcement, the insurance company, and most likely a jury. So how does this effect cyclist you ask.

For those of us who ride this is a two pronged sword, first we have to avoid simple Fred, second we have to deal with motorists who have no clue which cyclist is riding the wrong way. I have had the pleasure of having a simple Fred cause a wreck for me then ride off like they had no care in the world. I was able to find simple Fred a few days later put my bike sideways in front of him and let him know in no uncertain terms he caused my crash and was violating the vehicle code. The best part was there was a local Law enforcement type there who offered to ticket this person! FINALLY SOMEONE WHO GOT IT! That was the last time I have seen simple Fred, poor simple Fred was run over by a car while riding against traffic. Guess his stupidity is now out of the gene pool, and a motorist has a nightmare to live with.

Night riding can always be a challenge. They passed a "new law" to make cyclists here in California use lights, this was and is already a vehicle code requirement. The only problem is that that law and the requirement to ride with traffic are never enforced until a car enforces it and kills the cyclist. I think it is time cyclist as a whole begin to police themselves and take the time to try and educate simple Fred and his sister simple Freda. Cycling is a wonderful thing. If you ever had the joy of riding as a child remember how much fun all kinds of weather were. They are better now as an adult, it brings out the kid in you. So get out ride and enjoy the world. See the quiet wonder of a light rain, or evening sky. Bring the lights for the night so you can see the path and people can see you. and always ride WITH traffic, it is the safest place to ride!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Who won for most unlivable City in the Sacramento area?

Well Yes the final results are in. The last Blog had some divisions that had not been decided yet,however,we have those races now complete! I would like to thank all those who had ideas on who should be where, and those who put themselves in this race. I couldn't have done it with out your utter lack of common sense! So just to recap the winners will be invited to a free Happy Meal dinner of a cheeseburger at their local McDonald's, and they get to keep their toy! What a bargain for them!

The Winner of being the best loser for most inconsiderate drivers goes to........

Folsom Ready Mix!!!!! I know how hard you have worked fellas. those long times of looking for ways to try to harass and create dangerous conditions for those cyclists you pass! YOU WIN!!!!!! Erectile Dysfunction Meds all around!!!! You have truly earned it and we sure hope this makes up for you lack of being a man!

For the category of biggest waste of money!

The Folsom South Canal Crossing!!! Yes 8 months later and still it is not FINISHED! Not only that however we tested this crossing with two yes two wheelchairs. The can't get past each other. I am sure this is going to be a ADA complaint and it is going to be a major expense to correct it AFTER it is "finished" More money pissed away!! Great job!

And now for our BIG WIENER!!! The local city in the Sacramento area that is the Worst place for cycling. The City that has done more to harm those who cycle. The most unlivable location for those who do anything but drive!!!!!!
OUR WINNER FOR 2008 IS!!!!!!!!!!

RANCHO CORDOVA!!!!!! Yes with their lack of proper traffic lights, Their inability to install a safe crossing for cyclist in a timely manner. The fact that when they are told about the issue they shrug their shoulders and look stupid.. Their whole lack of response to anything cycling concern related gives them the nod! I know harsh as it is, they wont be getting to keep their toy! In fact, we might just have to give the happy meal to a homeless person as they are more worthy!

So that kicks off our year! I look forward to seeing improvements in communities that already are smart enough to realize the value of cycling commuters. I look forward to the weather, the rides and the epic stories. I look forward to seeing YOU on the trail!!! Ride hard folks, Enjoy LIFE!!!!